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Architecture & Technology
Work Package 3 was lead by Brian Matthews. The goal of this work package was to define a technological approach to provisioning a data infrastructure for Physical Sciences. The PSDI proposes to provide a state-of-the-art, enterprise scale digital infrastructure for research that is distributed across centres and responsive to the needs of the user community. It should provide a scalable, adaptable and accessible infrastructure that is secure and reliable, while being compatible with related data infrastructure initiatives supporting research. This work package focused on scoping the design for the common infrastructure architecture for PSDI. This planning developed an Options analysis for the core infrastructure including a survey of current technology and requirements analysis. We defined an Initial Architecture design and prototyped some example technologies for infrastructure provision.
This will work closely with WP2 and WP4 to engage with the community on their technology requirements.

The intended outputs for WP3 were:
- Enterprise Architecture Design
- Technology Requirements
- Linking in with systems
- Options analysis