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Coordination, Governance & Strategy
Work Package 1 was lead by Jeremy Frey. This work package worked on managing the initial phase and establishing the governance structure for future development of PSDI. This required establishing a Management Board and Steering panel with representatives from all stakeholders. We liaised with other DRI pilots and defined detailed plans for the next phase of PSDI.
Work Package 1 also worked to produce a strategy and plan for PSDI going forward. This analysed and collated the results from all work packages, and from the consultations undertaken, prioritised the generic and community specific functionality required to deliver a fully functioning PSDI along with a programme of community activities to support it. A schedule was worked out, taking into account guidance and constraints regarding availability of funding.

The intended outputs for WP1 were:
- Website
- PSDI Brand
- Governance Structure Outline
- Plan for PSDI – future phases