PSDI Updates: January 2025

Home » PSDI Updates: January 2025

Jan 28, 2025

This update gives a brief project update, includes upcoming events and recent publications from the team! 


Project Update

As we enter 2025, the PSDI team is hard at work as we approach an important milestone in the project. In spring we will roll out our initial PSDI resources across data services, tools and guidance, which have been developed with our network of partners. We will begin opening access to our partner network first and then making these resources available to all UK academics shortly after this. 

This initial release of resources will be a major milestone and will show the scope and potential of our infrastructure. But it is just one step on the journey, and we look forward to continuing to grow our community to extend the resources available through PSDI.  

We have recently expanded our communications team so there are lots of exciting things in the pipeline for news, events and collaborations. Keep an eye out for things coming from the team, and if you use social media make sure to follow us (just search PSDI)! 

Event Funding Call

The Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure (PSDI) are inviting proposals from the community to run events that engage the community in issues around scientific data. We have specific funding available to run events before 31st March 2025.

This is a fantastic opportunity to bring your ideas to life, connect with the PSDI community, and support innovation and collaboration in the physical sciences data infrastructure space.

Applications need to be made by 2nd February 2025. Find out more and apply here:

Upcoming Webinars

Green Algorithms, Green DiSC and GREENER Principles: Making Computational Science More Environmentally Sustainable

Thursday 30th January 2025 2pm-3pm GMT

This webinar, presented by Dr Loïc Lannelongue from University of Cambridge, will discuss making Computational Science more environmentally sustainable and the challenges that exist.

More information and registration here:

From genetic studies and astrophysics simulations to AI, scientific computing has enabled amazing discoveries and there is no doubt it will continue to do so. However, the corresponding environmental impact is a growing concern in light of the urgency of the climate crisis, so what can we all do about it? Tackling this issue and making it easier for scientists to engage with sustainable computing is what motivated the Green Algorithms project. Through the prism of the GREENER principles for environmentally sustainable science, we will discuss what we learned along the way, how to estimate the impact of our work and what hurdles still exist. It will also be a chance to highlight how the new Green DiSC certification framework can support scientists and institutions in making their research more sustainable.


Upcoming Events

Research Data in the Physical Sciences: A Forum for Librarians and Research Support Professionals 5-6 March 2025

The Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure (PSDI) and the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) are delighted to invite you to this in-person forum designed for data librarians and research support professionals working within the physical sciences across the UK and EU.

Over two days, attendees will engage in knowledge exchange, community discussions, and networking opportunities, all centred on the challenges, opportunities, and emerging solutions in research data management for the physical sciences.

This event will be free to attend, but spaces are limited. The first round of applications will be assessed on Wednesday 29th January. Apply here:

Love Data Week 2025

International Love Data week will be taking place on the 10-14 February 2025. The theme for this year’s event is “Whose Data Is It, Anyway?” You can find lot of events online using the hashtag #Lovedata25 or on this event listing. The University of Southampton’s Hartley Library Research Data Team will be holding an event on the 12th February exploring this theme. Find out more and register here:


Recent Events and Publications

You can find a collection of publications and presentations in the PSDI community on zenodo Recent additions include:

Introduction to PSDI Metadata

Aileen Day gave a presentation at the 3rd Ontologies4Chem workshop Introducing PSDI Metadata. The presentation gives an overview of the metadata planned for PSDI version 1, and an idea of where it’s headed beyond that. Slides are available on Zenodo:

Webinar: KnowLedger: An Open Ecosystem for Research Data Management

Professor Stuart Chalk held a hybrid webinar on KnowLedger: An Open Ecosystem for Research Data Management on 12th December 2024. The presentation discusses the current approach on how to achieve KnowLedger, how researchers can get involved, and the timeline of the project. More details on the webinar, including a recording and slides, can be found here:

Webinar: Introduction to NOMAD

Hampus Näsström gave a webinar on the Introduction to NOMAD on 5th December. The webinar showcases NOMAD’s applications in material synthesis, characterization, simulations, and AI-driven research, with a focus on solar cells, heterogeneous catalysis, and metal-organic frameworks. More details on the webinar, including slides, can be found here:

PSDI Pathfinders – Data to Knowledge 

The recording of our webinar “Pathfinder – Data to Knowledge “is now available to watch on our YouTube channel. This webinar, presented by Alin Elena and Federica Zanca from Science and Technology Facilities Council Daresbury Laboratory, discusses work undertaken in PSDI pathfinder 5 which focuses on transforming data to knowledge through the construction of workflows. In particular this webinar looked at machine learning for interatomic potentials (MLIP). Watch the recording of this webinar on YouTube: 
